Life skills are the building blocks or framework that allow students to apply the knowledge they acquire in school to real world problems and situations. Also referred to as “soft skills” they help children to acquire the ability to think abstractly and approach problems from multiple angles to find practical solutions, and the skill to communicate clearly and effectively. Watch this video to know more about ‘Life Skills’, the skills which we need to make the most out of our life.
Self-awareness helps us to have a better understanding of ourselves. We are able to experience ourselves as unique individuals. It empowers us to build up the areas of our strengths and work on the areas that need improvements. This is a small effort to help our students identify the same. Some engaging follow up activities can help the learners get a better understanding of the story.
Activity Link: https://bit.ly/SelfAwarenessReflectionQuestions

Empathy is the ability to imagine what life is for another person, even in a situation that we may not be familiar with. It is like having an invisible link with someone, which allows us to understand what they feel and experience. Watch this video by me and Gunjan Tomar to learn why practicing empathy is important to not only improve our life but also the lives of those around us even if just a little.
Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. It is a much-required skill in today's time when the boundaries of time of work and leisure are blurring. Well managed time helps us to plan our work better and minimises the stress of completing the piled up work. Have a look at our Grasshopper and Ants story with a new look and perspective. CBSE schools are in the process of having mid-term assessments. Hope this resource is useful for the teachers to help students manage their time well and plan well.

“Words have the power of both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world” - Guatam Buddha. Let’s get committed to positive communication to resolve differences and make life less stressful, to solve problems and build trust and respect, to get you friends for life and make every moment more pleasant, and finally to create environment where affection and caring can flourish.
Addressing social justice by creating a community of responsible decision makers who are equipped to make ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior. Do you encourage your students to explore cultural, social, and environmental issues with a humanistic lens? Do you think that empathy is one of the most important building blocks for any kind of social justice action? Watch this video to understand how I and Gunjan Tomar are addressing social justice in the classroom by integrating responsible decision making, an important component of SEL.

As said by our PM Mr. Modi it’s time to express gratitude towards corona warriors. This video is a small effort from me and my friend Gunjan Tomar to applause the unsung heroes on the frontline of the battle against coronavirus along with the ones who are supporting in this in their own small and big ways.
Dont' let Covid-19 infect you with Cyber Scams!!! As the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak continues to spread, cyber criminals have intensified the scams, adding fuel to the global crisis. Watch this video to learn about #coronavirus scams making the rounds.
Activity: 3B) 2018 T1 Parents Tip Sheet_pdf.pdf (moe.edu.sg)

With the digital world becoming a big part of our lives, we should be wary of possible threats. Watch this video by me and @Gunjan to know how to navigate cyberspace, including the threats it poses. Let's be cyber resilient!!!
Activity: CyberSmart! Classroom Activities & Posters (stopthinkconnect.org)
Unlock limitless opportunities provided by Microsoft tools to address diverse needs of learners during #Lockdown. Learn about some MS tools to address Reading, Writing and Math Challenges, Executive Functions and Speech, Language and Communication challenges.

We have already talked about Reading, Writing and Math Challenges, Executive Functions and Speech, Language and Communication challenges in Part -I of Pause, Reflect, Plan and Implement video. In this video we are talking about how Microsoft tools can be used to address Hearing, Mobility and Vision challenges. Let's accelerate learning using MS Tools. No child should be left behind!!!
We have already talked about Reading, Writing and Math Challenges, Executive Functions and Speech, Language and Communication challenges in Part -I of Pause, Reflect, Plan and Implement video. In part II we talked about how Microsoft tools can be used to address Hearing, Mobility and Vision challenges. Now in Part III we are talking about Neurodiversity, Multiply Impaired/Medically Fragile and challenges related to Mental Health. Let's enhance learning using MS Tools. No child should be left behind!!!

A podcast about how mindful breathing helps develop mindfulness:
Mindful breathing can be considered as the practice of tuning in completely to the experience of the breath in our body. Mindfulness is not just about being present, but truly recognizing our experience and seeing it clearly. Keep breathing mindfully and take charge of your life. This life is ours and life is beautiful. Make most of it and be happy. This podcast is especially for educators who require these moments the most to pass on the same to their students.
Wellbeing activities booklet (education.qld.gov.au)